Ontario Local Schools

Ontario Middle School


Feb 10 - Academic Challenge, 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Feb 11 - Academic Challenge vs. Shelby, 4pm
Feb 13 - Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00 - 7:30 pm
Feb 14 - FCCLA Dance, Commons, 3:30 pm
Feb 17 - Presidents Day - No School
Feb 19 - Spring Sports Meeting, Auditorium, 7pm
Feb 25 - Band Concert, Auditorium, 6pm

Power of the Pen District Competition

On Saturday, February 8th, the Ontario Power of the Pen Teams traveled to Tiffin Middle School to compete in the Northwest District 2 Power of the Pen competition.  The students wrote in three-40 minute rounds against 17 other schools.  At the end of the competition, the students enjoyed a pizza lunch before the awards ceremony.  

  Ella Manns received 7th place out of all the 8th-grade students and automatically    qualified for the regional tournament at the Lima Campus of The Ohio State University in March.  The teams anxiously await the final results announced later this week to see if other students will qualify for the regional tournament.  

Career & Life 6: Building Skills for Life

Throughout this 12-week project-based course, students develop essential soft skills - goal setting, teamwork, critical thinking, and active listening - preparing them not only for kitchen labs but for lifelong success. Before participating in any kitchen labs, C&L6 students receive instruction on food and kitchen safety. Through discussions and interactive activities, they learn about cross-contamination, proper food handling, safe kitchen practices, ingredient measurement, and utensil selection. A highlight of this unit is the Measurement Challenge, where students compete in a fun, fast-paced race to accurately measure liquid and dry ingredients.

Over the next few weeks, students in 2nd and 3rd periods will apply these skills by preparing trail mix, making a slushy, cooking chili cheese dip, and baking cookies for the FCCLA dance.  It's a delicious way to wrap up their final weeks before moving on to their last 12-week class.

OMS Winter Pep Rally - Basketball, Swimming, and Wrestling Teams

Congratulations to all of the athletes and cheerleaders for representing that Warrior spirit!
Eighth grade art students with Mrs.Garberich recently completed needle-felting art pieces which are now on display in the Commons. To needle-felt a picture, students used layers of felt and a felting needle to "punch-out" an image. The results are amazing.

OMS Administrative Staff

Chris Miller - Principal
Jordyn Eckert - Dean of Students
John Boyd - Guidance Counselor
Jeanette Ohl - Secretary
Kim Bell  - Secretary
Jesica Ellis - Librarian
Athletic Director - Jeff Fisher
Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator - Cathleen Johnson
Resource Officer - Scott Dawson
Phone - 419-529-5507
FAX - 419-747-6859

School Year Calendar

Lunch Menu

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