“Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.”
-Walter Elias Disney
One may ask, “Who is a gifted student and why are gifted programs needed?” Gifted and talented students and those
with high abilities need gifted education programs that will challenge them in
regular classroom settings, and enrichment and accelerated programs to enable
them to make continuous progress in school. It’s more than just giving students a challenge in classrooms: Gifted programming positively influences students’ futures.
Ohio Revised Code for education states that students are identified as gifted when he or she “performs or shows potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment and who are identified under superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability (mathematics, science, reading, or social studies), creative thinking ability and or visual or performing arts ability.”
In Ontario, our program is designed to be flexible, allowing us to
best meet the needs of students who are identified as gifted. Our Ontario
teachers ensure that rigor is embedded within their work in the classroom and
continually receive high quality professional development. In grades two, three, four and five, we
provide the opportunity for clustering of gifted students, allowing teachers to
provide differentiated instruction and enrichment. Teachers in grades K-1 work
collaboratively with the gifted coordinator to provide enrichment to gifted
students in the primary grades.
Ontario Middle School offers honors classes to students in grades six, seven and eight. Likewise, Ontario High School has increased enrichment opportunities with honors courses as well as advanced placement courses and College Credit Plus courses taught at Ontario High School by qualified Ontario teachers.
Ontario students participate in many extra-curricular enrichment
opportunities such as Science Club, Drama Club, Academic Challenge, National
Honor Society, Writing Center and Peer Tutoring at the high school level.
Middle school students are participating in Academic Challenge as well as
Spelling Bee, and Science Fair. Elementary students enjoy critical thinking activities during noontime
enrichment as well as participating in Spelling Bee and Lego Club.
The Ontario Local School District is committed to serving the
gifted population of its schools and has made great strides recently to
increase gifted opportunities to students.
How are
students identified as gifted?
For a student to be identified as gifted he/she must meet the following criteria as define by the State of Ohio:
- Superior Cognitive Ability- Scoring a CSI of 128 or higher on a State approved norm-referenced, standardized cognitive abilities test.
- Specific Academic Ability- Scoring in the
95%ile or higher in any academic total area (reading and/or writing, math,
science or social studies) on a State approved norm-referenced, standardized
achievement test.
- Creative Thinking Ability- Scoring a CSI of
112 or higher on a State approved norm-referenced, standardized cognitive
abilities test; as well as achieve a qualifying score on a State approved
behavioral checklist of creative thinking abilities.
- Visual and Performing Arts- Achieving a
qualifying score on an approved checklist of behaviors related to a specific
arts area; as well as demonstrate to a trained individual through a display of
work, an audition, or other performance, superior ability in a visual or
performing arts area.
Please note that all assessments utilized for gifted screening and identification are selected from the Chart of Approved Assessments through the Ohio Department of Education. https://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Other-Resources/Gifted-Education/Gifted-Screening-and-Identification/Chart-of-Approved-Assessment-and-Gifted-Education/Chart-of-Approved-Assessments.pdf.aspx
How are students
Ontario Local Schools uses several avenues to identify potentially gifted students which include:
- Whole grade national standardized testing in
reading and math at the 1st grade level.
- Whole grade national standardized testing for
superior cognitive ability and creative thinking ability at the 2nd
grade level.
- Whole grade national standardized testing for
superior cognitive ability and creative thinking ability as well as specific
academic ability in reading, math, science and social studies at the 5th
grade level.
- Individually administered assessments
- Audition, performance
- Display of work, exhibition
- Mastery/ competency checklists
In addition, students may be referred for further testing to the
Gifted Coordinator in several ways:
- Teacher recommendations
- Parent/ guardian request
- Self-referral
- Peer (student) referral
- Other (psychologist, community members, principal etc.)
How will I
know if my student was assessed and what their scores are?
Referrals are actively sought twice each year. Prior to any formal non-whole grade testing
by the Gifted Coordinator, permission to test will be gained from the parent or
guardian. In addition, parents/
guardians will be notified within thirty days, usually by letter, of the
results of any testing.
Although permission to test is not required for whole grade
screening (testing), a letter is sent home notifying parents/ guardians of the
dates of any whole grade testing for gifted identification.
My student
was tested in a new area and was not identified. Does that mean that he is no
longer gifted?
The State of Ohio recognizes a student as “once identified, always identified”. In Ohio, a student continues to be identified as gifted for the duration of his or her K-12 career, regardless of future testing or performance.
What is a
A WEP or Written Education Plan is a description of services
provided for a gifted student which includes goals for each area served,
methods for evaluating progress toward achieving the goals specified,
appropriate personnel responsible for providing services, assignment waiver
policy, and schedule for reviewing and reporting progress to students and
NAGC- National Association for Gifted Children, https://www.nagc.org/
OAGC- Ohio Association for Gifted Children, http://oagc.com/
Hoagies Gifted Education Page, http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/
SENG- Supporting Emotional Needs of
the Gifted, http://sengifted.org/
Byrdseed, http://www.byrdseed.com/
GT Kids and Behavior: Seven Strategies to Help Kids (and
Parents) Cope, http://sengifted.org/gt-kids-and-behavior-seven-strategies-to-help-kids-and-parents-cope/
The Perils of Parenting: The Top 10 Things Not to Say to Your
Gifted Child, http://files.adams14.org/files/16/Parenting.pdf
Isaacson, Karen L.J. Life in
the Fast Brain, Keeping up with Gifted Minds. Great Potential Press, 2007.
Isaacson, Karen L.J. Raisin’ Brains, Surviving My Smart Family. Great Potential Press, 2002.
Kerr, Barbara A. and Cohn, Sanford
J. Smart Boys: Talent, Manhood, and the
Search for Meaning. Great Potential Press, 2001.
Kerr, Barbara A. Smart Girls: A New Psychology of Girls,
Women, and Giftedness (Revised Edition). Great Potential Press, 1997.
Schultz, Robert A. and Delisle,
James R. If I’m So Smart, Why Aren’t the Answers Easy? Prufrock Press, 2012.