The 3 R’s of School Success
Make sure that your child is ready to learn everyday by following theses steps:
Speak positively to your child about school and the teachers.
Make sure your child gets at least eight hours of sleep and a nutritious breakfast so that he will feel rested and alert.
Develop simple routines for smooth, stress-free mornings:
Help your child pick out an outfit and pack her lunch in the evening. Have her place everything she needs for school in a special grab and go corner.
Create a regular morning routine together.
Teach your child responsibility, helping him get organized:
Provide your child with a notebook to write down assignments and due dates.
Give your child a large envelope to keep in his book bag that he can tuck permission slips and notices of special events into.
(Retrieved from Resources for Educators, 2005).
Homework Solutions That Work
Getting Started
Figure out a routine that works best for your student when they get home from school. They may want to relax or jump right into their homework. Have your child try each method for a week and determine which one works best.
Staying Motivated
If your child is feeling restless when he’s doing his homework, suggest that he get up and find a new space to work. Scheduled breaks can also give children a second wind.
Solving Problems
Help your child come up with a list of strategies that can help when he or she gets stuck. If your child is still stuck after utilizing the strategies suggest he call a friend or write down the question to ask his teacher at school the next day.
(Retrieved from Resources for Education, 2014).
Study Smarts
Start a Habit
Encourage your child to study daily, a little at a time as opposed to studying the night before a test.
Tackle Textbooks
Encourage your child to preview chapters that he or she has to study first to increase their understanding. Your child should glance over headings, graphics, and photos and look up boldfaced words in the glossary.
Mix It Up
Have your child review information in several different ways in an effort to help your child retain the information better.
(Retrieved from Resources for Education, 2012).
Helping Your Child Succeed
Take Time to Make Time
Children need to follow a dependable schedule. This schedule should include times for homework, meals, and sleep. Limit the amount of free time allowed per day for activities such as video games and television and stick to it.
Read, Read, Read
Make sure to read to your child even if they can read themselves. It sends the message that reading is important. Children may enjoy having magazines, newspapers, and comic strips being read to them.
Check Into It
Take a few moments every day to look at what your child brings home from school. Talk about the schoolwork together.
(Retrieved from Resources for Educators, 2001).